Real Estate Blog

What is Fire Hardening?

Jan 14, 2021 11:00:48 AM / by Jeff Culbertson

What does it mean? … and why every Realtor that works in rural areas needs to understand California’s new Civil Codes 1102 and 1102.6f. 

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Beginning January 1, 2021 all sellers of properties (Not new builds-there are additional requirements for new builds) located in High or Very High Fire Severity Zones, will be required to deliver to buyer, prior to close of escrow, a statutory notice regarding “Fire Hardening”. So- what is Fire Hardening?

Fire Hardening means your home is prepared for wildfires and an ember storm.  It does not mean fireproof. Fire Hardening basically addresses the most vulnerable aspects of your house with building materials and installation techniques that increase resistance to heat, flames and embers that accompany most wildfires.

In addition, also beginning on January 1, 2021, there will a mandatory “Fire Defensible Space Compliance” ordinance. This requires sellers (for properties in high or very high fire hazard severity zones) to comply with, at a minimum, state defensible space laws.   If the property is in a jurisdiction that has enacted a local vegetation management ordinance, the seller must provide the buyer with documentation of compliance at “point of sale”.  If there is not a local law, the seller will need to provide documentation of compliance with state defensible space law, so long as the documentation of compliance was within six months of entering into the transaction to sell. However, if neither of the above, the seller must enter into an agreement with the buyer, whereby the buyer agrees to obtain documentation of compliance within one year, in those areas with local ordinances.   

So, where do we find these maps that show what area of severity our rural properties are in? Go to There you will find a color-coded map that indicates whether a property is in one of these zones. In our service area you will note that several locations in our foothill markets that appear to be in these zones. As more information comes out, we will share it with you all.  

Tags: Jeff Culbertson, fire hardening

Jeff Culbertson

Written by Jeff Culbertson

Jeff Culbertson is a 43-year real estate veteran. Jeff began his career in Silicon Valley where he was a partner in Contempo Realty, an 18-office firm and Princeton Capital, a mortgage operation. Today, Jeff is the senior partner in the Culbertson/Gray real estate team in Roseville. The team is a proud member of the EXP of California, Inc. brokerage.